LINS, T. S.;; LINS, Tânia de Sousa.
Knowing that the myth originates in the oral tradition and that literature emerges with
the advent of writing and derives from changes of the myths made by the poets, the
present work aimed to analyze the tragedy Oedipus the King by the Athenian author
Sophocles, in order to show that in this work occurs an ideological update of the
Oedipus myth. To understand this statement, it is necessary to comprehend the
context of the time in which the drama was written. For this purpose, it was made a
survey of the historical period of Athens in the fifth century B.C., time when
Sophocles lived. It is important to notice that at that moment happen many political,
social and cultural transformations that will contribute to an increasing rationalization
of the way of thinking of society and this is noticeable in the discourse of the
characters Oedipus and Jocasta. Thereby, we note that the way of thinking is already
in the process of change and, so it, is inevitable that the myths are read differently. It
is in this context of changes that the update of the work can be understood and
explained. Therefore, this work is supported in the theoretical assumptions of Eliade
(2006), Grimal (1987), Szondi (2004), Vernant (2006), Vieira (2004), among others.