FARIAS, F. B. S.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/4098714064030035; SÁ, Fernanda Brilhante de.
The presente work monograph has its as objetctive to analyze the different proposals of text
genres suggested by the units of the textbook adopted in EEEFM José Gadelha in the final
years of Elementary Teaching and expose the means of how they are worked in the context of
the classroom. We use as study object the collection of textbooks final segment of Elementary
Teaching "Portuguese Languages" by William Robert Cherry and Thereza Cochar Magalhães,
noting the proposal depicted in its composition on new prospects of education who talk about
inclusion and the approach of text genres in textbooks of Portuguese Language, whose
purpose is to contribute to the teaching/learning process of students in the school. For the
development of this research it was necessary to perform a thorough job, the purpose of which
was the adoption of context and evidence of buildings, sustained and validated by means of
knowledge on the subject explored in this construct, guided by clear methodologies, accurate
and flexible to his own ascension. The study is descriptive basis of characteristics presented
by various authors on the importance of the exposed subject, and the establishment of
relationships between variables and educational phenomena in an empirical analysis. We
chose to study literature centered on the theoretical contributions of several authors who
conducted articles, dissertations and theses on how to use the textbook in the classroom, in
different contexts and situations. Finally, we conclude that the universe of text genres (oral or
written) is an excellent tool for the job in the classroom, because it proposes different and
attractive ways of learning in line with the Portuguese language, using it in their various uses
in everyday. Therefore, in the present study and analysis, it was possible to understand that
the textbooks analyzed are anchored in the teaching perspective and includes a demonstrated
textual diversity through speeches, which highlight diversity as records and styles.