CAVALCANTE, A. G.;; CAVALCANTE, Abraão Gomes Lacerda.
This research aimed to investigate and characterize the male interpretations of the classic male shoe, mainly regarding the meanings and how they are expressed in the physical and visual attributes of the product, focusing mainly on symbolic and emotional values. The methodology used is based on inductive reasoning and is characterized by being exploratory. Data collection was performed in two subsequent phases with the application of a structured questionnaire and interview; in the first phase, the meanings were signified and classified according to the Meaningful Interaction (MI) model; in the second phase, we investigated how the meanings are expressed in the physical and visual attributes of the product. Ten shoes with distinct models were presented for the evaluation and analysis of volunteer participants. The results of phase 1 show that in all, 171 semantic values were expressed by the participants who qualify the shoes. Of this total, 65% correspond to the symbolic and emotional dimension, and 35% correspond to the pragmatic dimension. The study concludes that the symbolic load of the studied product awakens more associations related to affective memory, tradition and the cultural values of the users that
are projected in the products, than their pragmatic qualities. In addition, the research reveals that correlations between meanings and attributes of the product are mainly focused on the shape, material and the color of the shoe, respectively.