OLIVEIRA, E. M. M.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5755352653671792; OLIVEIRA, Estela Maris de Medeiros e.
This research presents an exploratory study about the process of marks and, based on this, it is
proposed a method to evaluate meanings on visual signatures. The study object is the
mark/function or mark/sign, considering it as a sign carried with meaning, and that its
interpretation is made by an individual that does not have any experience with it. Our motivation
came from the observation of the increasing number of midsize food companies from the
northeast region of Brazil which are heading to the franchising market, then, foreseeing in this
scenario an opportunity to investigate the meaning communication process of those trademarks
which aims to expand its market share in different regions. The proposed method was applied on
different marks with common features of operation and formal composition, where we investigate
three meaning levels: physical attributes of the sign, mission of the object and its individual
perception. We evaluate the communication process to identify the physical attributes of its
visual signature that influence the transmission of expected meaning. The associated meanings
were interpreted based on a semantic values grade proposed by the Signification Interaction (SI)
process, aiming to understand what type of interaction the companies maintain with their public.
Applying the proposed method, we found: 1) the evaluated marks presented low levels of sign
communication, mainly on the their practical and critical pragmatic quality dimensions; 2) noises
in the formal configuration commit the sign communication in the pragmatic dimension; 3) most
of emotional dimension signs are related to iconic and chromatic signs, and these types of signs
have high levels of meaning power; 4) the investigated companies manifest low attention to ludic
emotional values both in their formal attributes and profile message, focusing only in practical
pragmatic features. Based on the obtained results, the used method showed to be efficient and
feasible to be applied on different studies that aim to investigate the meaning communication of
marks in their initial stage of signification.