SILVA, M. F. S.;; SILVA, Maria Fabiana dos Santos da.
Knowing if that mother tongue teaching is rooted in the grammatical traditions, this work
sought to present the sociolinguistic contributions to the Portuguese Language Teaching, in
order to show its the possible interventions in the class. To understand how the
sociolinguistic was established in the studies about the language, we need to understand
how transformations in the Portuguese Language Teaching occurred. It is important to take
note such changes in the language teaching was necessary face of the socio-cultural needs
of the speakers. In this moment that the sociolinguistic make it possible a new positioning of
the teachers regarding to teaching methodology, highlighting the importance of consider and
to respect linguistic variety of language in the Portuguese classes. Therefore, this work
supports in theoretical assumptions of Calvet (2002), Bortoni-Ricardo (2004), Tarallo (2005),
Antunes (2003), among others.