SOUZA, M. N. P.;; SOUZA, Maria Neuridete Pereira de.
This paper makes a comparative study of the Auto da Compadecida (1957) of Ariano
Suassuna and the film O Auto da Compadecida, directed by Guel Arraes (2000). The aim of
this study is to highlight the similarities and present differences in the two works, based on the
representation of northeastern manhood between the characters considering they are different
texts, different contexts and different arts. Therefore, we resumed studies: Literary Genres,
Theory on Masculinity, comparative Literature and Theory of Adaptation. The analysis points
to the adjustments to be multilaminate works while unattended to, emphasizing that should be
analyzed by the peculiar characteristics of each one and not in function of the other. We note
that adjustments, although inherent, can only be theorized from duplicity, view our theme is
about the comparative literature.