RAMOS, T. A. C. F.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1824635523418071; FIGUEIREDO, Talita Aparecida Carvalho Ramos.
Education in Brazil has been through several changes in the curriculum in the last
years and Juazeiro city in Bahia presents a Curriculum Proposal that enables the
work of the teacher in the classroom, however with the changes in the curriculum the
need to reformulate it was precise. For this it is important to know the object that will
undergo the new changes. So, the current research aims to analyze the composition
and structure of the Curricular Proposal of Juazeiro - BA, which for many years was
used by the network. Our objectives, therefore, are to describe the possible changes
to the curricular proposal and to approach a continuous formation based on the
municipal curricular proposal for the teachers of Portuguese Language of the 9th
year of Juazeiro - BA. The research was developed in a qualitative, descriptive and
documentary approach, which allows the exploration of levels of analysis, which
cover detail and context. As a basis for discussion, we rely on national documents
such as BNCC (BRAZIL, 2017); the DCns (BRAZIL, 2013); the PCNs (BRAZIL,
1998); LDB (1996), and also authors such as Macedo, Candau, Silva and Antunes
who deal with curriculum, teacher training and Portuguese Language Teaching. In
the data analysis by the relation with the theoretical reference, by which it was
possible to verify that the curricular proposals will be in constant changes, either by a
new curricular look, or by the needs of each region in relation to its reality. Thus, in
order to contribute to a new curricular proposal of the city of Juazeiro - BA we have
developed a proposal for intervention that will facilitate the use of the proposal
curricular and reflections on the teaching practice through a continuous formation.