FÉLIX, W. N.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/2818549713928546; FÉLIX, Wanilly do Nascimento.
This research has as its main objective to propose activites that motivate a pleasant and
meaningful teaching of literature reading for the 9th grade of the Elementary School Years,
through an interdisciplinary project, having as its starting point an awarded children’s book O
mistério das 13 portas no castelo encantado da ponte fantástica [ The mystery of the 13 doors
in the spelled castle of the fantastic bridge] (2012), by the northeastern Brazilian writer, José
Flávio Vieira. This work, of hybrid nature, since there are many local folk songs in it, such as
those of the “repente” genre, among others, tells the story of historical and fictional characters
of the Brazilian northeastern region called Crato, in the State of Ceará – through the use of
different genres, such as fairy tales, epic, utopia, dystopia, besides intertextuality with several
texts of diferente literary traditions – what allows a rich work of highlightening the value of
local culture and the feeling of belonging. As a starting point, we will discuss about the
teaching of reading and literature in the school context, as well as the importance of reading
skills and their impact on the life of an individual in today’s society. We will also debate
about the use of regional literature as a strategy for the teacher of Portuguese to motivate
students to have contact with the universe of reading and also with his community,
strengthening his individual and colective identities. Thus, we aim at helping lowers level
schools in the teaching-learning processes, and in the spreading of (scientific) knowledge
which are necessary for the students, all this through ap interdisciplinar Project that envolves
reading and writing. Thus, we chose as objective to use regional literature for children (and
teenagers) in class, in order to help teachers of Portuguese in search for a dynamic and critical
teaching of the literary text. For such an enterprise, we opted for a qualitative kind of
research, and chose the theoretical support of Koch and Elias (2010), Cosson (2016), Freire
(2009, 2015), Compagnon (2009, 2010), Pennac (1993), Bauman (2005), Bonnici(2005),
Candau (2012), Fazenda (1994), Lerner (2002), among others.