COSTA, C. L.;; COSTA, Creones Lima.
First aid is defined as a temporary basic care, with initial and immediate measures, which lends itself to a person who is injured or falls ill suddenly outside the hospital environment, seeking to maintain the vital signs, as well as prevent or reduce the damages. The provision of this assistance has gaining more visibility, because people are getting growing the importance of a proper service, first favoring aconsiderable decrease in infant mortality rates and thus reducing the sequelae for lack of immediate assistance. The children's educator needs a special preparation and adequate knowledge in order to master the basic management necessary for the assistive work with small child. Objectives: In General, evaluate the level of knowledge in first aid of Childminders; identify the profile of Childminders and meet the prevalence of most frequent accidents occurred in daycare Diomedes Lucas in the Curimataú of Paraíba. Methodology: It is a field research, exploratory, descriptive, census and quantitative approach. Was held at the daycare Diomedes Lucas de Carvalho, in Curimataú, Paraíba. The application of a semi-structured instrument, related to socio-demographic data and questions the theme First Aid was used. 15 children participated in the survey Educators. The data collection occurred in August 2014, shortly following approval by the HUAC Research Ethics Committee with CAAE No. 30576114.4.0000.5182. Data Analysis and Results: Of the 15 interviewed childminders, all belong to the female. In relation to age group (60%) of 09, present age between 31 to 39 years, 04 (26.7 percent) between the ages of 40 to 49 years. The degree of education, 12 (80 percent) have higher level (20%) of 03 and have only high school. . Em relação à faixa etária, 09 (60%) apresentam idade entre 31 a 39 anos, 04 (26,7%) na faixa etária de 40 a 49 anos. Quanto ao grau de escolaridade, 12 (80%) possuem nível superior e 03 (20%) possuem apenas o ensino médio. In relation to the educational training, 11 (76%) underwent training course, while 04 (27%) have no training. As for the time of professional experience in the nursery, of 15 respondents, (13.5%) (02 possess long experience less than 06 months, 02 (13.5%) of 06 months to 02 years, 05 (33%) of 02 to 05 years, 02 (13.5%) of the 10 years, 05 and 04 (26.5%) with professional experience greater than 10 years. In relation to the first aid training, 12 (80%) reported having participated in some training, while 20%) to 03 (20% never participated). Specific issues in first aid, 87% on average answered correctly the questions. It was also evidenced that the falls are 100% of occurrences of accidents at daycare. Final considerations: Through the results obtained in this research, it was possible to confirm that infant Daycare educators Diomedes Lucas de Carvalho demonstrate having the perception and attitude to deal with the accidental contingencies occurring in that institution, as well as the importance for the pursuit of knowledge.