FAUSTO, P. F.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/9810278130770045; FAUSTO, Patricia Ferreira.
The Ministry of Health launched the National Humanization Policy and one of its guidelines
is the Reception with Risk Classification, it is a practice in which prioritizes the patient as a
whole, according to their needs, the nurse performs this process the arrival of the patient,
assess their clinical severity and not prioritizing the order of arrival. This study aims to
investigate the role of nurses in the Reception to Risk Classification in the emergency
department. It is characterized as an exploratory and descriptive study with a qualitative
approach. Was performed at section of the Urgency/Emergency at Regional Hospital of Patos
Janduhy Carneiro, whose sample consisted of 10 nurses of the institution in accordance with
standards for inclusion and exclusion from research. The instrument of data collection used
was a semistructured questionnaire addressing sociodemographic data professionals and
issues related to the proposed objectives, was used the technique of content analysis indicated
by Bardin. According to the results, the nurses have knowledge on the subject, understand
their role inside reception with risk classification, and that after the implementation of the
program, the sector had improved but it should be noted that there is a resistance of the
population to understand the program and the need and capacity of the professionals who
work there. The overcrowding, long queues, poor attendance, tension and stress among
professional, are current problems and frequent emergency services, the reception with risk
classification, proposes to intervene to remedy situations like these, it takes up a great
importance this process, who performs it , in this case, nurses , thus it is important to conduct
training for all professionals involved in the sector, as well as educational activities enabling
the understanding of the population on the reception with risk classification and the proper
use of this service.